This class given by Manon Gaudreau is focusing on the outdoor concert picnic basket.
The class is at 11:30 am  for about an hour followed by a picnic-type lunch.
Learn to make your own healthy picnic foods, including meat, egg & vegetarian dishes,
gluten-free options, desserts and drinks that travel well and are served at room temperature.
We will feature a meat loaf, marinated chicken, fermented-pickled eggs, végé-paté, salads,
almond cookies, and fermented drinks. Take home various recipes.
A picnic lunch will be served. Be sustainable and bring your own picnic plate, fork and cloth napkin. Cost is $20. For reservations, call 721-3114. For more info cal Manon at 788-3876.
At the Sustainability Center, 308 South River Street in Hailey from 11:30 am to 1 pm.
You can then walk over to the Farmers Market starting at 2 pm.