MacTaggart's Brand Vanilla

Product: Vanilla Market: Ketchum Joshua MacTaggart has always had an affinity for cooking with more than 10 years of experience in a professional bakery setting. While an architect by day he remained interested in food and with his wife always sought out the very best...

The Haven

Products: prepared food Market: Ketchum Kelle Haven and her partner Kaitlyn are busy at work in their green food truck making deliciously healthy food for lunch. They use high quality ingredients locally sourced whenever possible, and their combinations of flavors and...

SJ Woodworks

Products: Kitchen and home wood products Market: Ketchum Steve Bonora is the mastermind and artistic entrepeneur behind SJ Woodworks. I just want to know what the “J” represents in his business name. He makes beautifully crafted and practical kitchen and...

Home Fermented Preserves

Photo by Manon Gaudreau: Plum vinegar, plum sauce, cucumbers in brine Before refrigeration became widespread, home fermentation was used to preserve dairy as cheese, vegetables as sauerkraut and pickles, fruits as chutneys, ketchup, vinegars and wines, grains as...

Bangles, Baubles and Beads

Products: Jewelry Market: Ketchum Lisa Horton makes one of a kind beautiful jewelry. Lisa re-imagines nature’s patterns and her hands transform them into human adornment, necklaces, bracelets and earrings. Lisa sculpts powdered metals into one of a kind, mixed...