vegetable display
Products: Organic Produce (vegetables, dry beans, seeds), eggs and Meats
Markets: Ketchum and Hailey
M&M Heath Farms owned and operated by Mike and Mary Heath, is located in Buhl. M and M Heath Organics was one of the first farms to be certified organic in Idaho. They grow several heirloom varieties and has diverse types of potato and winter squash.
We now have 16 varieties of potatoes (experimenting with different kinds each year), 10 varieties of winter squash, 14 kinds of tomatoes (including 7 heirloom varieties) and several types of summer squash, cucumbers, peppers, lettuce, beets, swiss chard, herbs, onions, fresh beans, dry beans, sunflowers, hay and grain. We also raise organic beef, pork, chickens and other poultry, and eggs. We are also starting to produce our own organic seeds and look forward to providing a local source to other growers.