Manon at the market
Did you know that when you purchase fresh local produce these locally grown varieties are filled with more nutrition because they were picked within a day of sale, they were in the soil longer and are varieties made for this area? Not only that but they last in your fridge up to 2 weeks without rotting so you get more for your money.
To store greens in your fridge is to put a paper towel in the bag with the greens to suck the moisture out that would cause the greens to rot pre-maturely. Try it you will be pleased!
Fresh heads of lettuce and leafy greens (swiss chard, spinach, bok choi, arugula, kale…) will keep in your refrigerator for up to 2 weeks especially the ones picked fresh and sold to you at the Farmers’ Market. When you get home from the market soak the heads and leafy greens in cold water for 20 minute. Put a plate on top to completely immerse them. Keep the lettuce heads whole for longer storage. The water used for soaking can be recycled by putting it on your garden. Put the moist greens in a cloth (pillow case or dish towel dedicated to this use) and the cloth will be moistened by the wet greens. Put as is in the crisper drawer in the fridge. Every other day, wash some greens for consuming and save them in a container so they are ready to eat.