Products: salad greens, root vegetables, tomatoes, cucumbers, squashes, cabbages, veggie plant starts
Markets: Ketchum and Hailey
Judd and Heather McMahan are the farmers and operators of Wood River Organics in Bellevue, ID. They also own horses and have 2 growing children. Their belief and passion for growing organic produce is strong as there are many practices they must meet to qualify as organic growers and their products are outstanding in both quality and diversity. They grow plant starts for your garden, which you can purchase early season and as the season progresses onwards expect to find cucumbers, radishes, carrots, all varieties of greens, turnips, summer and winter squash, a wide variety of tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, eggplant, and perhaps some new varieties of produce as Judd likes to introduce additions each year to his standard variety of crops. So stop in at Judd’s booth and take home organic, fresh, nutritious and beautiful produce to feed your body.
Link: Wood River Organics on Facebook